Monday, January 28, 2008


It has been almost a week since I last posted and for good reason, too. Things have been crazy, and I mean crazy, at work this last week. We are all adjusting to a newer, and earlier, schedule, which, of course, makes the weekends earlier, too. We get up at 5 and the kids are now getting up between 5:30 and 5:45 AM!!!! so we can be out of the house buy about 6:10. I really think it is harder on us than it is on them, but I can't help but feel sorry for them. This is only about 30 minutes earlier than normal but it feels like years!

Landon seems to be feeling better after his double-shot of gastro-intestinal-something-or-other. He was sick Friday a week ago and was getting better Saturday and really improving by Sunday. He went to school Monday and Tuesday, but an hour after dropping him off on Wednesday he was tossing his cookies again! Brian was home with him on Wednesday and Memaw came to stay with him on Thursday. His poop "isn't very sick anymore" so we're hoping he makes a full recovery this time. You know he can't afford any weight loss! Now he "gets sick" out of convenience. He knows that when he's sick he HAS to stay home and rest or watch movies. So whenever he needs to do something that he doesn't want to, he conveniently doesn't feel good. We're gonna have to start making this staying home sick a little less appealing! I do love staying with him and snuggling on the couch watching "Meet the Robinsons" about 10 times.

Kylie has escaped this bug so far (knock on wood). She is doing great and talking more everyday. The ladies at school have definitely spoiled her. She all but insists that she be held at all times. That's not so bad on the rare occasion, but while you are trying to cook dinner and do laundry and wash dishes, let me tell you, it's borderline impossible.

To top off this week of chaos and destruction, I have hurt my back. It's bad, too. I went to see the doc today and he thinks that it's just muscular and I agree. He did, however, give me three different prescriptions, of which I can only take one while I'm at work. The muscle relaxer and pain meds should only be taken if I'm gonna be at home. He wanted me to be home until Wednesday, but that's out of the question, for sure! I will take them before bed and I hope to wake up a new woman (maybe this time I'll be skinny!).


Courtney said...

My goodness Melissa! I hope it all gets better soon! I thought we were headed that way today, but it looks like MawMaw is getting better, yeah! But I am sure we will come see her soon! See you then!